Historical sign preservation,
restoration and re-creation.

 When buildings or walls are torn down, artistic signage treasures of decades past can be unveiled, but often have deteriorated over time. Additionally, many forgotten ghost signs exist in communities in plain sight, but haven’t been properly cared for and are at risk for continued fading into extinction. Mark Serra & Co.’s goal is to ensure these historical artifacts and “markers in time” are properly preserved or restored to their former glory, without disregarding their real age. We are experts in historical signage preservation, restoration and re-creation, and have worked across the country to bring them back to life.


Meet Mark

Mark Serra began channeling his artistic, creative energy through drawing and painting endeavors as a child. These continued as he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Teacher Education, and through his work as a Nonprofit Development Director and Community Relations Professional. A dive into the world of hand lettering and hand painted signage led to the creation of Last Word Sign Co./Mark Serra & Co., which Mark has operated since 2015.

Mark finds great reward in working with clients and business owners to find effective, one-of-a-kind solutions to best represent the businesses where they have invested so much of themselves, and play a small role in helping them succeed.

He is also a self-proclaimed “Brand Historian” who believes in protecting and promoting historic commercial art and advertising, while highlighting its relevance and effectiveness in modern communities and commercial landscapes.

Ready to start your project? Contact us for more information.